Sunday, March 2, 2014

365MOD // 5ever a work in progess

1 // Bi-monthly update

I know we say this every time, but seriously, where is this year going? It seems like the older we get - time seems to be sucked in to a vacuum of some deep abyss. Which even something as mystical as a black-hole, it still isn't even an excuse for slacking off lately.


I joined #356MilesOverDays a little after the start of the year, so I had a fair but if catching up to do with in terms of miles and the first challenge of 1000 squats. At first I did find the squats a tadd challenging - but I have naturally strong legs, so got into the groove of pumping those out with my usual exercise routine. February's challenge required skipping for 5 mins... which didn't go down very well *cough*... but moving on!


Now the miles... that's a completely different story. There is not one bone in my body that has the urge to run, walk / do cardio what-so-ever, so a wee bit of encouragement was required in the first month.
I find that I can't do the same thing, day in-day out, something about running is just boring. Call it self-sabotage, but I loose concentration so easily! For now I'm mixing between the basin, tread milling, block runs and some 'off roading' up local parks and mounts.
Hopefully by the end of the year, running will be a breeze. Here's to me thinking that I will be 'that person that hated running' and tried really, really hard and then just owns it in a few months.
I'm not quite up to par with a mile a day, but am chugging along not too far behind. Hopefully with daylight savings can get some extra sunlight (and motivation)  in the mornings to get out in the cold!

Fingers crossed x D


  1. I wrote a long post which appears to have disappeared! Grr!
    Awesome idea to help keep you moving!

    I like to run in new places or take a different route each time it helps keeps things interesting and take your mind off the run a little :)

    1. Oh! That's a shame :/ Disappeared into the inter-webs!
      Yes, there's a few of us girls that have committed to doing a mile a day. Which in itself is a bit of a mission (hello winter months)

      I agree Amanda, different places make you more aware of where and what your doing as well I suppose, and keeps your mind on track!
