I wish I could post everyday but truth is I'm having too much to even think about blogging about my trip, but I'm trying to post my highlights through photos. (Ps I am blogging from my phone so I have no idea what these posts look like on the computer - apologies!
Finally made it up the SkyTree in Tokyo. We went there at night and the view was amazing! I could really define where the other Ferris wheels and the rainbow bridge was. On the way down we found Cold Stone Ice Cream parlour! It's a glorified ice cream shop with an option where you can have waffle bowl. Since it was our first time there, the girls there were kind enough to sing to us, I have the video up on my Instagram @divinelimits.
A few friends had told us how much they loved DisneySea and wanted to spend more time there. From that advice, we decided that we were going to only go to DisneySea. Which probably was the best idea. DisneySea is perfect for those who want more exciting rides.
We left 'home' about 8am... Which meant an interesting experience with rush hour train traffic. Had a bit of a laugh watching 3 train guards pulling the doors open to while another 2 pushing people into a carriage... I had heard about rush hour, but seeing it was another experience. It's exactly what you think! Think trying to squeeze your luggage into a small suitcase... Busting at the seams.
Everything about the Disney experience was amazing. To the Micky mouse shaped windows in the tram, to the each area themed immaculatly from the rides, gift shop, lavatories and food....
My favourite ride was the Indiana Jones Ride ((see above ride photo) which we waited patiently for 90mins I might add), and the Journey to the Centre of the Earth ride (with a fast pass). No regrets on my Disney souvenirs, my mini mouse ears and Mr Potato Head popcorn bucket.
While I'm on popcorn, each area has its own flavour popcorn - our favourite was the White Chocolate and Strawberry flavours (don't knock it till you try it!)
Lunch was in the Aztec area which meant taco set for ¥1200 - 2 wraps, a drink and sponge log (which is LEGIT!) I have to note that the Japanese have a thing with filling up cups half with ice. So if you prefer drinks with a little bit of ice - ask.
This was my favourite day so far, 9am - 8.30pm. A long day, but ended on a high with a premier fireworks show.